Sustainable Travel Post-COVID: A New Single Use Era

The Unhotel Company
6 min readNov 6, 2020


Becoming a planet positive human is something many of us are striving towards. Even as a company, we’ve always maintained that our decisions, our marketing, our stays will always be those that support the environment and local businesses. Many of our guests are like that, too. People who have the means to make decisions and afford more sustainable and eco friendly options.

But the meaning of eco-friendly is changing in the COVID world. There have been positives, of course. Stories of waters becoming clearer, air becoming nicer. The news has been full of the Himalayas being visible from northern states, and central Bangaloreans being able to spy Nandi Hills from their windows.

Across the world, deers are entering subways (Nara, Japan) and swans are entering canals (across the Netherlands). Studies show that the carbon emissions in the atmosphere fell by almost 14% during global lockdowns due to the lack of air and road pollution.

These are all things to celebrate. Things to keep in mind when we revert to our normal lives at a slow and steady pace. However, some things are taking a backseat and reverting back to the old. And by that we mean, increased use of one-time products and plastics. The world cannot be wholly blamed. The fear of the pandemic is such that few are willing to share and reuse what has already been touched by another individual.

So how do we go forward from here? Here are our thoughts and ways on how to continue being a sustainable traveller — and global citizen — in a post-COVID world.

Carrying Eco Friendly Kits

It’s not just travellers. Most people have started carrying eco-friendly kits on their person even in their daily lives. To office, to lunch, to visit a friend. People are even using them at home so that their personal lives are sustainable year-round. This is something that can definitely continue being practiced post-COVID.

The advantage of carrying one’s own kit is that there is a level of safety and comfort that you are carrying your own sanitised products. Not only is there little worry for something foreign being provided to you — there is less chance that a single use kit would be wasted on you.

These days eco-friendly kits are not just limited to your own containers. People are switching to cloth wipes, bamboo toothbrushes, bar shampoos/conditioners/soaps, and even dental tabs/powder instead of plastic tubes.

Responsible Air Travel Post-COVID

Air travel continues to remain one of the biggest fears for many — not just individuals but also governments. As international borders remain closed for all except returning citizens and residents, domestic borders are also causing some level of nervousness. State governments and airports are creating their own rules for people to travel.

For that reason, air travel altogether is mostly being discouraged. Consider this. During the lockdowns, carbon emissions reduced due to less air traffic. This air traffic will continue to remain low as less flights operate. It makes one wonder — is air travel even needed unless it’s absolutely necessary?

Even when it is — the same rules apply. While aviation authorities enforce the use of sanitised PPE, you can do your own little bit. Carry your own cloth mask and washable face shield so that you don’t have to waste an airline kit. Refill your own metal or glass bottle from a trusted dispenser or shop after security check. And definitely consider carrying your own dry snacks on-board!

Choosing the Right Stay and Location

Your steps only go a short way. Individual responsibility and changes are not the sole thing that will save the world. Industries and companies need to make changes, too — and this includes the places you choose to stay.

It might be tempting to go with the best deal (and nobody blames you if that’s the road you must take to protect your pocket!). But, if you have the option, consider opting for boutique stays that are more rooted in what practices harm or affect local industries and ecology.

Large chain hotels generally (there are always exceptions) go for mass production of products and disposal services. Meanwhile homestays, guesthouses, lodges, and restored historical spots have a tendency to hire local staff, follow the practices of the locale they’re in, source local & organic produce, and respect the general environment around them.

Are You Road-tripping Responsibly?

Okay, so you’ve chosen the right place, you’ve also chosen to drive there instead of taking the air miles. Great! You’re all set. Or…are you? Anyone who has looked outside the window for even five minutes during a drive can say that spotting litter is an easy game.

While the lockdown certainly brought around cleanliness and greenery, old practices of the general public are hard to break. As are the practices of road-trippers.

Why not carry your snacks in lunch boxes and paper bags, instead of toting around plastics? Have a reusable metal flask and cup to enjoy the hot, roadside kadak chai instead of risking a public use glass or a plastic cup. For all of you lining our highways with cigarette butts — a quirky little car-ashtray isn’t hard to find. If you must have your sutta, you can also take the time to upcycle an empty mint tin into an ashtray to responsibly dispose of.

And don’t forget to get that emission test done before you hit the highway.

Looks Like Plastic but Is It Plastic

One of our employees almost went into a rage the other day when she had some medicines delivered, and found them in a green baggie. It felt like plastic. It sounded like plastic. But it wasn’t.

Fact is, there is always going to be a need for small bags and the likes. For errands, for buying things on the go. It’s impossible to be prepared in advance for every possibility. But a lot of shops are also making efforts. Paying ten rupees for a jute or cloth bag is one thing. For those who can’t afford it, some stores are offering plastic dupes.

Made of processed biodegradable material over polymers, these baggies dissolve in water as soon as they are used (without poisoning the water). So, keep an eye out for stores that use them if you need to make a purchase on the fly!

Stepping into a whole new world

We know it seems daunting to go out and about again. And it seems even more so to try and change the world when so much is on the line. But we assure you that these are steps and changes that many were taking even before COVID hit the planet.

The only difference is that the need for them is higher now, more than ever. There will always be exceptions, always be moments when you need to make the difficult choice for health, safety, or regulation. But as long as the choices are your own, then let’s aim towards making our planet healthier and safer, too!

